Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why We Must Die

In my very first blog, I testified of how grateful I was that a word spoken to me several years ago had finally come to past. That I was not only to operate in the teaching ministry God had purposed for me, but I was also to birth yet another ministry: a writing ministry. 

To say that I had solely embarked upon this journey to glorify God would not be the truth. Like so many others, who have used the gifts God has given them to profit them, I too dreamed of Social Network fame. I imagined the readers of my blog, the viewers of my Periscope broadcasts, and the likes on my Facebook and Twitter accounts expanding into the thousands in just a matter of months. Surely this is what the call of God would produce for the called, right? Wrong. 

Nothing God has given me, was given to elevate me or be used for my gain. My gifts have a Kingdom assignment and yours do too. When Jesus in Matthew 4, was led into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted of the devil, He revealed this truth to us: gifts are not for personal gain. 

But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4

Let me put it another way, Satan asked Him to do the very thing, I and so many others are guilty of. He asked Him to use the power (talents or gifts) that resided within Him to meet His own need. 

The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Matthew 4:3

But that would not be the case, Jesus would not allow His flesh, despite its cravings, to lead Him out of the will of the Father; and we must not either. The cost of giving in, of letting our flesh take the lead is too great. No matter how convincing the flesh maybe, we are to yield to the Word of God if we are to stay in His will. For it is only through our obedience that we are made effective. 

Beloved, it is my prayer today, that you too will see the light. That you will confess your sin and that you will begin the difficult process of killing your flesh daily. Today, I declare and decree that you will not use your gifts and talents for personal gain. That in times of testing you will, after much preparation, remind the enemy of Matthew 4:4. You will speak this Word with such conviction that it will cause the enemy to flee. That your life, both public and private, will glorify God and that the yoke to be known of men will be lifted off your life. 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Making the Most of Your Sunday Meal

The reality:

Every week Pastors across the world spend countless hours studying, fasting, praying and seeking God for their Sunday morning message, only to discover that the benediction is truly the end of the message. In other words, for many of us our presence at the table is only as long as our Sunday morning worship service. Hence the reason for this post! 

The charge:

Fourteen times the word meditate is used in the King James Bible. We are told that this is the habit of the blessed man in Psalm 1:2; the only option of the seeker in Genesis 24:63;  and the hope of the believer in the midnight hour in  Psalms 63:6. 

So why is this not true for the believer today?

The reason we don't:

There are many reasons given for why we don't continue to explore the word brought forth Sunday morning. And below are listed just a few of them:

1. I am not that deep. 
2. I got it the first time. 
3. I don't know where to begin.
4. It don't take all that.
5. I don't have time. 

The truth of the matter:

We can't expect to live the life God has called us to unless we spend time in His Word. And I don't mean just reading it, I mean studying it. Becoming so familiar with what God has to say about a situation that your decision to follow its lead and do what it says becomes automatic. So automatic is your response that you don't even have to think about it. 

The point of it all:

Whether you realize this or not, your Pastor, the Under Shepherd, has been given an awesome and weighty responsibility. He is responsible for equipping you for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12 

That means the messages he or she brings forth each and every Sunday morning is not to be taken lightly. It is a word in season just for you. Whether that season is now or at a later date, God is showing Himself faithful. The work YOU are called to do depends on you being fully and properly nourished. 

So now what:

If you are reading this post on the day of publication, then that means you are only two days past this week's meal and five days shy of the next one. Your meal is still fresh! You can still dive in and see what more the Lord wishes to share with you about the matter. 

Bon appétit!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Blessings of Brokenness

Brokenness is something we do not wish to experience, because it hurts and it doesn't feel good. In the natural, brokenness is a very lonely place; and it is a lonely place because only you know the depth of your pain. And if you are like me, you have found that sharing it with others only relieves you for a moment. The true work of brokenness requires more than just a sharing out. You must change your way of thinking, your way of seeing, your way of doing and your way of existing. Beloved, these are not easy things to do, as you have been living under the rule of your thoughts and this world for a very long time; and as with any stronghold, they refuse to go down without a fight. Therefore, you must find yourself in His Word. You must begin to both speak and apply the Word to your every circumstance. His Word must be your weapon of choice and you must use it to slay every thought that tries to exalt itself against the knowledge of God. David said in Psalms 51:17, "the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart- these, O God, you will not despise."

David could say this because he had experienced brokenness. He did many things that were displeasing to God and his actions had negatively effected those he loved most. But because of God's love for Him, He could not leave David in this state. He would use the brokenness in David's life to not only restore David, but more importantly, He would use it to glorify Himself. Many had counted David out (Psalm 3) and many say the same about you, your health, your finances, your marriage, your job, etc. but God has a Word for you and your naysayers. God wants you and the world to know that He is not through with you yet. And this, like David shall be a great testimony unto Him. He shall be glorified in your situation and you shall know that He is the One true living God.

The world would have you to believe that there is no blessing in brokenness. That your brokenness is evidence of you being outside of the will of the Lord. The truth is, you are exactly where He wants you. You are in the exact place, posture and position for a breakthrough, for a reconstruction, for an exaltation. Therefore, be thankful in the midst of brokenness. Be thankful for the fiery trial which has come upon you, to prove you and to glorify God. And never forget, there is a blessing in brokenness; for brokenness leads to humility, which leads to repentance, which leads to restoration! Amen
The true posture of brokenness.