Today in Sunday school we were encouraged to put down the expositor. To pick up our bible, our bible dictionary and our concordance and to trust that God will, with enough sweat equity, open up our understanding. We talked about how the genre of the text informs our understanding and why you should never read anything out of context. In study we are to consider the times in which the text was written and the audience it was written to if we are to get a more accurate picture. Lastly, we are to bring both our questions and our insights to class so we can sharpen each other.
We were studying Psalm 104 until the shift happened. The Spirit wanted us to know the reason the Psalmist was able to praise as he did; and it was because he knew God's word and made it his business to know it.
Leaders it's time to stop preparing the meals and teach the people how to cook and eat for themselves. Truly, this is the only way they will be able to fulfill The Great Commission. To put it more plainly, in order to reproduce, you must already be that which you are trying to recreate.