Saturday, May 28, 2016

Navigating the Storms of Life

In this life you will have trouble...

It appears as if God is really trying to get my attention lately. It's as if he's trying to get me to see the purpose behind everything that I've experienced over the last couple of months. And so as I sit in my hotel room tonight reading my word, beloved I am led to share the word that has been so clearly spoken to me with you. Hopefully this word will encourage you and give you the tools necessary to keep moving forward, to keep pressing on, even when it's the last thing you want to do. 

The first thing God wants us to know about our trial is that they are apart of the walk. They are apart of the walk because we currently reside in enemy territory. In short, we are behind enemy lines. Therefore, our very presence is an affront to him and warrants an attack. So what does this mean? It means you could be doing everything right and still be persecuted. Your persecution is not the result of the things you do, but because of who you are and who resides within you.

The truth is, we may never know why we go through what we go through. Maybe like Job, we were recommended or maybe like Peter, we were asked for (Luke 22:31-32); or maybe the trial is a direct and natural consequence of a decision we made in our past that was outside of God's will for our life (Numbers 13:1-24).  Whatever the case may be, He has already given us the victory; and if we faint not, great is our testimony.

The next thing God wants us to know is that our trials are progressive, each one building upon the next. Thereby making the old adage true, new level, new devil. Even so, it is important that we never forget to look for and see God's mercy in the midst of our struggle. Beloved, the mere fact that your trial has not cost you your life, is evidence that God's mercy is upon you and this is reason enough to praise Him (Hebrews 12:3-11). 

So when the trial comes and it truly will, here's what we are to do:

1. Don't despise it and don't make light of it either. We know that God uses all things for our good, but the good only is of benefit to us if we learn the lesson.

2. Don't give up and don't become overrun with worry. Our father in heaven is not dumb or slack concerning his promises toward you. He sees you, and he knows everything about what you're going through. You only need to trust Him. 

Trust Him despite your circumstances. 
Trust Him despite what others may say.
Trust Him despite how you feel. 
Trust Him, trust Him, trust Him. 

Until next time...

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