Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Cover Up

The truth is not so easy to tell

It's so easy to hide the truth, in fact, I would even go as far as to say it's even encourged in the Christian community. Especially amongst those whose gifts have the ability to propel them to the ranks of notable preachers like T.D. Jakes and Paula White.  

However, before I go any further I need you to understand that I have no angst against Jakes or White. I mean how could I? Their ministry has blessed me in ways that I can't even begin to number. 

Even still, I must share what God has directed me to share. For I truly believe that my transparency will help someone to be set free. No longer will you be shamed by a decision you made yesterday. You will go forth with boldness knowing that God has not only forgiven you, but He has given you a new lease on life. Because of this you will see differently, you will do differently, you will speak differently and you will think differently; and more importantly you will live differently. This is the blessing Isaiah 61 speaks of and this is that which I share with you. 

The unveiling 

About a month ago I was asked to speak at my uncles women's day celebration. During the service I testified about how God used one of His daughters some fifteen years ago to bring correction in my life. She saw me for what I was (a fornicator and adulterer) and called forth the woman I was ordained to be (a pure and holy vessel set aside for kingdom purpose). After this revelation, I was determined to live life differently. 

However, my determination was centered on man's approval and not God's. I say this because I wasn't willing to give up my ungodly ways. I know this because I continued to have sex outside of marriage. 

As a result of my continued disobedience, not one, but two children were conceived in the years I played the role of the heavenly bound saint. Two, whose lives were cut short before they even got started. 

Nothing but the blood 

Today I ask the Lord to forgive me, I ask those who helped me cover up my sins to forgive me and I ask those of you, who believed the lie I presented to the world to forgive me as well. 

The lesson

Ministry is not easy and nor is it pretty, but nor is living a lie. It's time for those of us who have been called to proclaim God's word to stop perpetrating the lie and end the deception. We've been through somethings. Even so we've had the privilege of seeing God's power work in our lives. And whether you realize it or not, someone is looking up to you. They aspire to walk in the excellence they believe you walk; and they condemn themselves when they fall short. 

It's time to open your mouth. It's time to tell your story. It's time to use the adversities and mistakes of your life to bless those you've been charged to speak to. No more cover up, no more pretending we have it all together. There's power in our testimony! 

For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 KJV)

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